Effective Online Qualitative Tools & Techniques
Have you been intrigued by the technology and time and cost efficiencies, but haven’t been impressed with the quality of insight? We know the difference between so-so online qualitative and knock-it-out-of-the-park online qualitative…and how to get there! Here are just a few considerations that make a difference.
Planning & Design
- Our experience with online qualitative will ensure we are recommending the right number of participants and number of activities to get the most out of the research.
- Knowing how to keep activities engaging with creative exercises and question styles tailored to the age of participants is a key element of our study design.
- We understand how to get a great recruit with specific questions to screen for online studies
- In addition to a moderator, you’ll have a project manager assigned to ensure clear communication to participants on expectations and login instructions. Your project manager wears multiple hats from cheerleader to ranch hand to ensure ongoing engagement of participants while your study is in field.
- Style counts. We have experience getting participants to open up, encouraging their ideas and continuing to create dialogue throughout the study.
- Dedicated moderating – no multi-tasking projects!
Project Team Engagement
- We know that team engagement can be a concern with online projects, so we have several proven approaches to ensure the project team is immersed throughout the study.
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